I completely glossed over the fact I've been here for one year already. Many projects and collab stuff in the backburner but I'm definitely more comfortable with my art now than before.
Newgrounds sort of motivated me to speak to the human race (online). I ask for critiques, and I have received them. And for that, thank you my NGs. Though, I haven't done much black & white heavy stuff in a while. Or much heavy cross hatching stuff in general. Should get back on that.
Also here's my, I guess, fanart of stuff only I like and no other sane person does.
Basically a compilation of brazilian bands when Death and Black metal were forming in the extreme underground. A 1986 compilation called Warfare Noise. And as the name implies, it's fuckin' noisy lol. Pretty much my gateway to black & death metal. Just extreme rock stuff in general. Uploaded here on this day.